April 6th, 2018 from 10:30am to Noon
Quran Karriem (Duke, Computational Media, Arts & Cultures, PhD candidate)
“Embodied Kinesonics: Interface, Transformation and Disappearance”
Where does the body end, and the interface begin? When does an interface become an instrument, and what role does virtuosity play when sound production is dissociated from physical causality? With the increasing use of real-time computation in live settings, what is the relationship between process and performance? This hybrid artist talk / demonstration will feature recent projects by sound artist, interface designer and researcher Quran Karriem, who traces the shifting boundaries between bodies, instruments and interfaces across a varied array of emergent hardware and software instruments and performance idioms.
Quran holds a master of fine arts in sound design from the Savannah College of Art & Design, and a bachelor of music in composition from the University of Georgia. He has extensive software development experience, previously served on the audio technology faculty at American University, and is one of two scholar-artists recruited to inaugurate a new PhD program in Computational, Media, Arts & Cultures at Duke University, where he is a member of the Society of Duke Fellows and develops gestural and sonic technologies as part of the SLIPPAGE performance, culture and technology lab.